Wednesday, April 11, 2012

dipped rice krispies

These are so fun and easy for any party!! We got an order for them and decided because she wanted them for Easter, we'd make them egg shaped! 

filled and dipped strawberries

What's better than the cheesecake filled strawberries?! Add some chocolate!! 

cake batter truffles

Theses were so fun and so cute!! And, we were also told quite yummy! :] 

key lime truffles

Key lime- used lime shavings as a garnish. We also made another batch of these, dipped them in chocolate and used graham cracker crumbs as a garnish... also looked nice. We LOVED how this GREEN just popped off of these ones! 

peanut butter truffles

Wish we would have had some peanuts to use on top as a garnish... we'll remember that next time!! 

peanut butter pretzel truffles

spring themed cake pops

Close up before they were bagged. Went with spring colored sprinkles, half were chocolate inside and the other half were vanilla.  

Close up of them now bagged.

nutella truffles

Nutella truffles rolled in cocoa... very rich and delicious!